Thursday, November 20, 2008

Samsung Glyde ... Replacement

So, I went to the Verizon store to get the firmware upgrade done. Surprisingly when I went back to pick up the phone, the repair person told me that the phone still had touch screen problems even after the software upgrade. So, they gave me a new phone instead. It can be a refurbished unit, and it still has the old firmware. The annoying touch screen hasn't occurred yet.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Samsung Glyde Touch Pad Update

After I posted yesterday, I went online to search a possible fix of the touch screen problems I was having. It didn't take long to find this post at It looks like I wasn't the only one who was having problems, and Samsung/Verizon released firmware upgrade. I went to the nearby Verizon store to get the upgrade done. But they said that the phone needed to be fully-charged. So, I'll go there again tomorrow. I'll kepp you posted on this.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

iPod Touch Screen Protector

Speaking of the sensitivity of touch screen, says there's a 93% off deal at Amazon. Wish I'd known! I'm wondering, though, may be I should look for a screen protector for my Samsung Glyde to avoid the problem I talked about in this post.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Touch Pad Cell Phone

A few month ago, I bought Samsung Glyde. I am satified with the phone except for an occational malfunction of its touch pad. Maybe the touch pad is too sensitive. I can't figure it out. I was really frustrated yesterday because when I tried to pick up the call by pressing "Answer," the touchpad didn't work. I couldn't answer the call, so I tried to call back, but my touch pad was just crazy. I couldn't press "Missed call," "Contacts," or "Dial Pad." It was soo incovenient. Luckily, the person called me back a few minutes later, and I remembered that I can pick up the call by opening the cell phone lid.

I have iPod Touch, and I never experienced its touch screen problem. I need to do a research on the Glyde touch pad problems.

Gadgets and More

I know. I know. This is my weakness. I like tech gadgets. Every time I read about a new gadget, I instantly feel that I "MUST" have it. But there's an ugly thing called "budgets." So, I usually don't (or can't) buy the newest model of whatever is being launched. I observe and wait. The new gadget is always in my mind. Typically, I end up buying a new gadget after one or two versions but earlier than it becomes common amongst the general public. I did that for an mp3 player, and I did that for a cell phone. I will talk about my cell phone later, so today I want to talk about my first mp3 player.

When I first bought my mp3 player, USB ports were nonexistent, I think. So, a device needed to use a parallel port to connect to a PC. Diamond Multimedia's Rio was all the rage. What I bought was not Rio but one that was slightly cheaper and that has a transparent case. I don't even remember the name. According to this article, mp3 players have been around for 10 years. When I read this article, I remember what I was doing at the time...

What I am eyeing for now is a GPS device shown in this article. I don't think I need it but maybe that's why I want it.