Saturday, November 15, 2008

Touch Pad Cell Phone

A few month ago, I bought Samsung Glyde. I am satified with the phone except for an occational malfunction of its touch pad. Maybe the touch pad is too sensitive. I can't figure it out. I was really frustrated yesterday because when I tried to pick up the call by pressing "Answer," the touchpad didn't work. I couldn't answer the call, so I tried to call back, but my touch pad was just crazy. I couldn't press "Missed call," "Contacts," or "Dial Pad." It was soo incovenient. Luckily, the person called me back a few minutes later, and I remembered that I can pick up the call by opening the cell phone lid.

I have iPod Touch, and I never experienced its touch screen problem. I need to do a research on the Glyde touch pad problems.


Tim said...

I know exactly where you are coming from. Go get the firmware update! It's worth it.

Kaoma said...

Thanks for your tip! I couldn't get it done today because my phone wasn't fully-charged. I'll go to the store again tomorrow.